The Glute Guide and The Big 5 : Five Important Steps to Build That Tush


Prioritize increasing mechanical tension and progressive overload

To grow the glutes we must continuously increase mechanical tension though playing with load/weight and training volume (number of repetitions per set, lift and/or program and sets per lift/program). By implementing a progressive overload program you will gradually be increasing and tracking the weight used, sets and repetitions completed during your lifts, guaranteeing enough tension on the muscles to grow the booty.

Work towards failure and chase the burn

Metabolic stress is another key component to glute growth. We obtain this by working to failure and set those buns on fire! This means we need to chase that burn and push to a point where our muscles will no longer allow us to successfully perform the exercise (or close to that point). The burn typically means a buildup of lactic acid which along with an anabolic signaling stimulates the muscle to growth.

Eat to grow

Our body needs energy to build. We get our energy through food. Ideally, to see our desired results, we are eating in a surplus with a diet rich in quality proteins to restore, carbs for quick energy and fats for stored energy.


Muscles need time to repair after we’ve worked them. The best way to give them this time is by resting the muscles worked. Ideally you are giving the glutes a min of 48 hrs to rest before hitting them again.

Be consistent

To build takes time, patience and a methodical approach. Plan to work your glutes 2-3 days per week with training programs that are around 8-10 weeks long. You will modify the program thereafter to account for the increase in strength and endurance.

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